WIX Archives

Ownership again!

Posted by andy saunders on Thu Sep 05, 2002 04:45:54 PM

I can almost hear the groans of "Not that subject again" but just had this from the German Govt in Berlin on ownership of former wartime Luftwaffe aircraft. Incredibly, they say that as legal successors to the German Reich they consider that they own these aircraft wherever they may be in the world. Now thats an interesting concept. I also find it faintly amusing. I resisted the temptation of pointing out who came second in that little skirmish, or the small detail of the unconditional surrender...but the fact is, in black and white, the Germans still say they own this stuff. No, I dont think they do either but thats the line they are taking. Better just ship the Indian 109 straight back to the Reich Luft Ministerium in Berlin, then. I'm just crating up my own Luftwaffe collection to send right back as I dont relish the thought of the Luftwaffe Polizei kicking my door in...it was bad enough with the MOD Police!! So, just off to despatch these containers back to rightful owners in Germany....on second thoughts, maybe not. Andy Saunders.

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