WIX Archives

Warbirds & Fatalities

Posted by Scott WRG Editor on Sun Dec 14, 2003 08:45:20 PM

The subject of fatalities in warbirds has been brought up and what should be done about the wrecked aircraft.

Warbird pilots go into flying these aircraft knowing the risks, if they didn't then they shouldn't be flying. Those that have died have done so doing something they loved, we should all be that lucky. I think the concept of scrapping a warbird because someone died in it is silly and disrespectful. We don't burn down building when people die in them. It seems to be that scrapping an aircraft for the same reason is wrong for several reason. It's like people are trying to erase the memory of the pilot who died. And second the historical aspect of these aircraft should be considered. Too many have been scrapped in the past and the fact that there are too few of these aircraft remaining should be considered.

All that aside, if the opportunity presented itself to ask the pilots that passed I'm sure they would rather see thier aircraft rebuilt that consigned to the scrapheap.

Thats just me opinion.

Scott WRG Editor

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