WIX Archives

How big would your........

Posted by MGM on Sun Dec 02, 2001 04:28:03 PM

new production line of a classic design be ?

I personally think it should be no more than ten at the very most, but........

I haven't got an answer to how many Yaks have/are been/being built........but I presume it is about ten/twelve each ?

Seeing as Flug Werke have not sold all of their new 190's yet.....even after several years now....and the new 262's do not all yet have confirmed buyers.....also after several years of trying..........it makes me wonder what exactly an appropriate number of new aircraft should be.......

Both of the above types are extremely famous, so it isn't for lack of recognition that they are not selling.
So is it the unit cost ?
Is it the flying characteristics ?
Does it depend on whether they have the original type engine or not ?
Anything else ?


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