WIX Archives

Spitfire in Kloeiner Lake

Posted by Paul McMillan on Mon Jan 28, 2002 04:22:40 AM

Thanks to the online archive of the Kleine Zeitung I can report the following



A google translation gives the following

"Spitfire" in the Klopeiner lake a time witness remembers crash of the Milit??rmaschine. There is resistance against salvage OF WOLFGANG KOFLER the references, according to which because of the reason of the Klopeiner of lake since end of the Second World War a British Milit??rflugzeug is to be, consolidates itself. More ??ber the Klagenfurter attorney Dr. Michael Schwingl already sent Swiss company "Deep Scan" days ago a Ansuchen to the ministry of the Interior, in order to receive a salvage permission. And also the B??rgermeister of the municipality pc. Kanzian, Albert Holzer, is sure itself da?? the "Spitfire" - so the name of the hunt machine - exists: "you lies into 40 meters depth." Long search. Even she saw certainly still nobody. "we were not again and again in the mentioned place", such a member of the dipping club Klopeiner lake, "there are anything to be found!" But B??rgermeister Holzer can appoint itself at least to a time witness, who wants to have observed the crash with own eyes. The 64j??hrige Johann carpenter remembers: "I was at that time, at the beginning of of 1945, 12 years old. I drove with the bicycle, when pl??tzlich an airplane emerged very deeply in the sky. The pilot pulled the machine steeply upward, then the engine suspended. The flier did not st??rzte exactly into the lake dared itself on the water, from fear of the suction." The pilot, thus carpenters, went down with the airplane. Sp??ter it experienced, da?? the "Spitfire" with two further machines more ??ber the Saualpe angeschossen became. W??hrend B??rgermeister Holzer no make no secret from it makes, da?? a native mountain company rather w??re than Swiss "Deep Scan" for it, is formed in pc. Kanzian resistance against the mountain Pl??ne. Resistance. Reason daf??r: There are signs daf??r, da?? beside the "Spitfire" also ammunition in the Klopeiner lake to lie is. Entsorgt from the Engl??ndern to end of war. "if things are found, come perhaps from fear no more tourists", thus to carpenters procured. If necessary one will try to prevent the salvage with all means.

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