WIX Archives

Re: Historic Flying Limited

Posted by Tom on Tue Dec 18, 2001 06:03:50 PM

In reply top Historic Flying Limited posted by simon king on Tue Dec 18, 2001 05:26:35 PM

I think It's because they don't want too many people sniffing around, if there's no income from opening up to the general public then the money men frown on it somewhat. Also the insurance is the other thing to consider, our hangar insurance has gone up threefold in the past 3 years, if we wanted to re-open the museum I think it increases theis figure more still. What with work going on in the hangar it's a bit of a burden not being able to have full use of the space, the public would need designated routes through the building and this doesn't really help when you have numerous restorations in a relatively small hangar like HFL have (ARCO use it as well by the sounds of it too). TFC have the right idea with all the restorations being to the side and all the flyers in the middle, but it does help when you have a nice big hangar with doors at either end so much easier to get that plane in the middle out for a flight (spits may look lovely but they're bastards to move about on the ground!).


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