WIX Archives

Re: Historic Flying Limited

Posted by Tony on Wed Dec 19, 2001 11:20:54 AM

In reply top Re: Historic Flying Limited posted by Mike on Wed Dec 19, 2001 10:54:08 AM

Quite right too......

Who wants the great unwashed poking round their valuable aircraft, dropping chip papers on the hangar floor, and wiping their grubby little fingers on living history...

Dam' me, working class you say? it's all too horrible to contemplate, dam' my eyes, and you say some of them might be foreigners? Dam' me Sir, from the colonies , and , and Frenchies you say? it's really to bad sir, yes, i will have another pinch of snuff...Jamaicy eh? Dam' fine, close the hangar doors on the way out..... lol

At the end of the day HFL is a commercial concern, and they will have one eye on their insurance premiums. Thankfully, this country, is not as litigious (yet) as the Coloni.... errrr our Friends across the pond, but it is getting there.

If HFL want to show aircraft, i'm sure, they will have open days, if they so desire, where the public can be admitted, in supervised and controlled environments. Especially when a section of that public, will have anything away, that's not nailed down, sad but true.

(Invitation only)

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