WIX Archives

Re: New Forum Software

Posted by Mike Henniger on Tue May 04, 2004 08:21:21 AM

In reply top Re: New Forum Software posted by mark clark on Mon May 03, 2004 10:33:48 PM

I understand where you are coming from Mark, in fact you almost are taking the words right out of my mouth.

Having said that... Scott was up against the wall and had to make the move and change.

I do believe that simpler is better, and for that reason I will miss the old forum, especially with the easy of seeing new messages. The new forum, even with the fancy interface, can be just as easy to use. I recommend registering, and logging in each time (the log in can be automated on your machine with a simple click). Once registered and logged in either your machine or the forum (I don't know which) remembers which messages you have read and marks the new ones differently (which happens to be very similar to the single most important feature of the old forum). Actually I think you will find that the new forum is a decent substitute for the old forum, and with time as Scott learns the tricks, he will be making it easier to use.

I sincerely hope that WIX does not loose important contributor such as yourself or anyone else for that matter just because of the forum change. It isn't as big of a change as it might appear.



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