WIX Archives

There are supposed to be a number of Catalina's

Posted by Paul McMillan on Wed Feb 04, 2004 04:14:15 AM

In reply top To recover or not posted by Cees Broere on Mon Feb 02, 2004 02:26:38 PM

in a Lough in Northern Ireland (and Sunderlands a well) - Anyway I don't know if rumour is true.. But someone had a plan to raise them. But why???. The point is only Governments and a few certain indviduals can hope to recover and afford to restore these, so why not leave down there until and if anyone or any organisation with enough dosh and fancies a challenge would want to go for it. Then I day good luck to them.

Otherwise if they were raised then they would probably end up junked. The open market could not accept X Catalina's and Y Sunderlands, and I can think of only 1 person who could afford the latter. I would think they are safter down there..

This arguement does not work with smaller fighter types (because the end cost while considerable, is less) and the really rare ones where 'in the national interest' takes over.. Witness the Halifax recoveries and the Loch Ness Wellington.

To be honest, while I admire the greeks in raising a Ju-52 from the Sea, the point is there were probably better ones and easier ones available on the open market if they wanted a representative model to display...

Just my 2 penneth

Now if I could find a Whitley or Stirling.....

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