WIX Archives
Re: That provenance debate
Posted by Dave on Fri Nov 14, 2003 06:41:16 PM
In reply top That provenance debate posted by Cees Broere on Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:19:18 AM
I think most would see it as a Spitfire , just as most see the AFC Hurricane , as a Hurricane , even though it is 95 % new build . The good thing about that at least , is it is announced at the WOW airshow that this is the case , so there is no B.S. saying 'this is the original aircraft flown by so and so' etc. As long as the people who want to know the provenance have no difficulty in finding out the truth , fair enough . I await with interest what terms are aplied to the 109E wk.nr.1342 when it flies . This wreck was recovered from a French beach and not one original bolt was incorporated into the rebuild , it so happens a data plate was found on the remains of the undercarriage leg.
What winds me up the most is when original metal is destroyed to make an aircraft airworthy ... look at what happened to the Evergreen G-10 , all the original skins , that were in quite reasonable order , were stripped off and taken to the dump , because they needed to be replaced for 'structural intergrity' in the event the aircraft flies .. something that is not even likely to happen .. that , in my view is a damn crime .