WIX Archives

Re: Archive

Posted by Scott WRG Editor on Thu Sep 20, 2001 01:13:02 PM

In reply top Re: Archive posted by Christer on Thu Sep 20, 2001 12:53:06 PM

Yes the threads are active. I decided to leave them that way since people might want to respond to an older topic. If I left them in the main thread then a reply would be grouped with the old message so I figured that the only real difference was that the archive files are in a seperate list. If the general concensus is that they should be locked down I will do so.

What does everyone think?


: Scott,
: I?ve just had a look in the archive.
: Is it Your intention that these topics can be continued?
: I clicked one of my own postings and it seems to be possib
: le to submit a followup (I didn?t try).
: I think that it would be wise to make archived threads ina
: ctive!
: Redards,
: Christer

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