WIX Archives

Re: Archive

Posted by Christer on Mon Sep 24, 2001 07:34:37 PM

In reply top Re: Archive posted by Scott WRG Editor on Fri Sep 21, 2001 01:19:50 AM

it seems that You and me are the only two with an opinion on this matter! I stick to my initial opinion that an archive should be locked. I for one find it quite enough to look for new postings or follow-ups in one place.
When should threads be transfered to an archive? Well, after one or two weeks a thread has usually gone cold and/or is too long down the list. A system by which every second week threads older than two weeks are transfered to an archive may be acceptable? Currently the earliest thread is two weeks old and the suggested system means that what is on the forum now would be archived in another two weeks.


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