WIX Archives

P-38 Documentary and the "First Flight"

Posted by John H on Thu Mar 06, 2003 08:02:22 PM

The more I think about it the more it bothers me......couldn't they have shown the real first flight on the video...rather than continuing the fabrication that the public flight was the first flight. Afterall the video was a documentary of everything that happened, and didn't shy away from any other details of the story, such as people getting fired and folks running out of money to pay for the project. I still really enjoyed what I saw....This really is a minor nit pic, But really wouldn't it have been cool to see the real first flight? Would it have caused a huge public uproar three months later if they'd let the viewers in on the secret??? Why not in the first place just fly it and then explain that the first public flight is really the second flight, and say it's a demonstration or whatever. Would the media and public attention be any less???


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