WIX Archives

Remake of Film 633 Squadron

Posted by Graham ODriscoll on Thu May 23, 2002 07:36:43 AM

A while back it was mentioned that persons unknown had supposidly been tasked with identifing and costing getting 5 Mossie's airworthy for a remake of 633 Squadron.
Now we all know that this is about as likely as pigs flying, (perhaps the recent UK TV commercial with 3 pigs flying the the 633 theme tune is very appropiate..!!)But my question to the more knowledgeable out there is:-
If it was true and the money was there which of the 5 extant Mossie's would be most likely to be chosen?
I guess 2 of them would be B.35 - VR796 of Bob Jens and probably Kermit's TT.35 - RS712(depending on how bad the delamination is), what about other likely canidates??
TFC T.III - TV959, MAM TT.35 - TA634, RAAFM PR.XVI - NS631/A52-600??
Any theories??

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