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Re: The problem with aviation authors.....

Posted by Tony C on Mon Apr 19, 2004 07:05:19 AM

In reply top The problem with aviation authors..... posted by Cees Broere on Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:13:35 AM

Hi Cees,
I've not seen the book yet and in essence I agree, as I do not feel that the Warpaint series carry enough pages to justify major comparisons with similar airframes and should concentrate on the aircraft in question.

However, one reason for this 'attitude' maybe that over the years, one particluar airframe comes to be accepted as the class of its field and it isn't only the Halifax which receives this type of attention...

The Lancaster over all other RAF bombers
The Spitfire over the Hurricane with the BoB being won by the Spitfire!
The B-17 over B-24

I'm not saying that this approach is right but my interest in Warbirds started when I read a book about the Spitfire and Hurricane, which was heavily slanted in the Spitfires favour but the important thing is that it held my attention.

Wanting to read more, I then moved onto other books which corrected this view and then led me into other areas and to seeing the light of day (or should that be the moon at night), my interest in Bomber Command and (sorry) particularly the Lancaster.

I admit that the Warpaint Series are aimed at a specfic market but in it's defence, if this book leads the readership into further research then this should be seen as a good thing, shouldn't it?


IIRC, you will note that there has never been a Warpaint title for the RAF's premier bomber (much gnashing of teeth) :-)

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