WIX Archives

Danish Typhoon bits......

Posted by Tony on Thu Apr 04, 2002 05:23:56 AM

Here's the e-mail address of the museum at Bangsbo (ooooooer missus) Now, this was a long shot, following the report of a modeller, that was able to get colour and stencilling references, off a Typhoon wreck in the museum there. bangsbo@bangsbo-museum.dk

The intonation of his statement, was the wreck had been recovered from the Baltic, so whether it's recent, or been there for some time I don't know, but if Cees and the TyphoonMeister Dave want to contact the museum, they may stir their stumps. Unless someone here speaks danish of course?

url is www.bangsbo-museum.dk

Tony :0)

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