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Re: In all fairness.....
Posted by Tony on Tue Mar 05, 2002 08:17:04 AM
In reply top Re: In all fairness..... posted by Brad on Tue Mar 05, 2002 01:15:12 AM
One of the things you will notice about Mick, if you will just take the time to read and analyze some of his posts, is that he feels very strongly about certain issues in the warbird world. Among the issues he feels strongly about, is the dataplating of warbirds, and a lot of other dubious practices, that go on, not in the name of warbird preservation, but in the name of profit. Mick is very vocal, yes even abrasive, in his comments about certain aspects of warbird operation. I have seen comments, from warbird operators in the past, along the lines of "Who the hell is he, and what right does he have to make these comments" I can only suggest, he is one of the great paying public, that helps keep these warbirds in the air.
He has a very strong sense, of what is right and what is wrong, even if sometimes, even I cringe at some of his statements, but I am proud to call him a friend. He is very very passionate about about his hobby, and is a very very diligent researcher. Yes, I agree, that some of his posts , can be very "The thoughts of Chairman Mick" but they MUST be read, in the vein in which they are intended, and does it do harm to the warbird world, if one person at least , is prepared to be very vocal, about a practice, that he is not happy with?
If you followed the thread on the MustangsMustangs board on the subject of John Pauls "Grandfathers Axe" A-36/P-51A/B/C/D, you will have noticed, that even a previous operator/pilot of this airframe wasn't happy with what is being done to it, and a few other people besides. These people are not the owners or operators. It is JP's aircraft and quite frankly, he can convert it into a tractor puller, if he has a mind to. But, enthusiasts, will register their thoughts, because they are entitled to their "Free Speech"
As for driving away the son of John Paul, I believe Mick was actually in direct and regular contact with JP as regards the aircraft, but he can enlighten us further as to what went on there, and, I find it a bit hard to believe one enthusiast can drive away a warbird owner/operator. Might I suggest that the reason he stopped posting , was that Mick was in contact with him off board, or he realised that he didn't have an argument as regards what was being done to this airframe? I really don't know what happened there Brad, it really is just a surmision on my part...
In conclusion, please try and read between the lines of Micks' post, and look at the time stamps too, he tends to be a bit crabby before his first cup of coffee....
Oh, and I'm afraid, that there will always be , like India and Pakistan, a state of undeclared hostilities between Mick and certain other contributors :0)
Tony :0)
Follow Ups:
- Very well said Tony!!..n/t - Karen Tue Mar 05, 2002 08:25:57 AM