WIX Archives

Re: and they're free, so rescue or scrap

Posted by Tony on Fri Dec 21, 2001 01:38:14 PM

In reply top Re: and they're free, so rescue or scrap posted by Mike on Fri Dec 21, 2001 12:13:40 PM

Yes, they are a fairly common type.....

As were harvards, Tbm's, A-26's , Halifax's , Corsairs, Spits etc. The problem is, as long as we all say, well, there are plenty of those, then it's always too late to save them.
I'm not saying , that's the case with B-25's especially, but one day, it might be.
Ok, so maybe not free, but certainly for the scrap value. Also, i thought train transportation in the US, was significantly cheaper than the UK?

As for restoring them, i'm not sure they can be, but then again, they might be a useful donor source for parts, in the worst case

apologies for the typos, I broke a tooth

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