WIX Archives

New Wreck found in Oz????

Posted by B Darnell on Mon Mar 22, 2004 02:39:43 PM

I found this post on the PWD Forum.
Does this sound a little fishy to anyone else?

I been many places and seen many things but was totally stunned and speechless with what I found and its condition and on Aussie soil.
I wont say much but that it appears to have been on reconnaisance and maybe got really lost.It landed on a flat but ended up under solid stone overhang.
Is in mint condition,undisturbed
I could not believe it,I know a bit of History and am involved in Historical items but never anything like this and this is incredible.
The sheer luck or deliberate?? of it ending on the flat but under a Rocky solid outcrop which has protected it for the past 60 plus years.There is Damage to one wheel and prop,no persons inside,It was not shot down.

Large red dot didnt make it hard to work it out when I first saw it.There is overgrowth and a tree that well almost grew through it but missed by about 4 feet.Thank goodness
I dont know what to do with it.It is mint and fully intact
I dont care who believes me
Dont critisize me or you wont hear from me again.
This is not my computer but a friends and he does not know I have posted it so its no use asking my friend,or chasing
Please ask sensible questions and we will go from there.
I have left it fully intact
post some Jap plane pics and I will id it for you


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