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Some text from Aero News Net...

Posted by bdk on Wed Dec 12, 2001 04:16:14 PM

In reply top US Significant Military Equipment De-militarization Bill posted by bdk on Wed Dec 12, 2001 12:22:00 PM

Now I can register my Harvard as a T-6 again!!!!
Section 1062 Stricken From Bill
Onerous "Job Performance" Clause Pulled Again
You did it again! Congratulations!
The horrible Section 1062 has been pulled from the Defense Authorization Bill.
ANN News-Spy Rick Harris, of the Collings Foundation, has sent this, which should be confirmed by the time you read it:
All of our efforts have paid off !
Section 1062 has been officially stricken from the 2002 Defense Authorization Bill.
We know you've heard that one before, but this is the real deal. The Bill will be released from committee as soon as tomorrow [Wednesday], and could go to the House and Senate before the end of the week.
This is proof that if enough interested parties will make their voices heard, Congress will listen.
Thanks to all of you who called, mailed, e-mailed the Capitol over the past several months. We're happy as heck to find out that the stake has again been driven through this unconstitutional, history-destroying section (that was, you may remember, inserted, to cover a DoD employee's screw-up). Let's be vociferous, now, in our support of the legislators we've contacted, who helped do the right thing, and pull this section.
Be just as vociferous with your electeds who refused to help!
While we're standing around, patting each other on the back, let's remember we're all in this battle together, along with the EAA, AOPA, the GOA, the NRA, and many other groups that stand for the preservation of our history, and the few that stand for the preservation of our Constitution!
FMI: http://thomas.loc.gov (type in, S1438, and then go down to Section 1062, in the latest version. It SHOULD be gone by sunup!)


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