WIX Archives
Re: Spitfire video you all HAVE to see
Posted by Jim Church on Tue Mar 02, 2004 04:49:29 PM
In reply top Spitfire video you all HAVE to see posted by Dante Cosentino on Tue Mar 02, 2004 04:08:26 PM
That rather amazing video shows Ray Hanna in Spitfire Mk. IX MH434 giving Alain DeCadinet (himself owner of Spitfire Mk. XVI TE184, and a famous ex-race car driver) a haircut during the Spitfire 60th Anniversary show at Duxford. There was a very nice video shot of this event that has been shown on Speedvission, Discovery Wings, etc. This was an out take, however the one used was pretty much the same, just without the cursing afterwards! :0) It was the opening sequence for the program, and certainly got one's attention! Dangerous? Perhaps, but quite thrilling to watch all the same. Jim