WIX Archives

Accident in Brazil

Posted by Tulio on Fri Feb 13, 2004 05:54:38 PM

Around 9:50 Local Time (Brasilia), four pilots from the "Esquadr?o de Demonstra??o A?rea" known as the "Esquadrilha
da Fuma?a" (Smoke Squadron) ejected from their Embraer T-27 Tucanos, over an unihabited region some 6 miles from the city of Santa Rita, Passa Quatro, S?o Paulo State.

Those involved were: Major Luiz Francisco Tolosa, Capit?o M?rcio Guimar?es de Oliveira, Capit?o Jos? M?rcio de Almeida e Tenente Fabr?cio Calomeno Machado, who were promptly rescued and were found to be unharmed.

This mid-air collission involved only the two aircraft, during a training mission.

Information provided by Anderson Subtil, from Curitiba, Brasil.



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