WIX Archives

Re: Best and Worst museum 'experience'

Posted by JDK on Sat Dec 06, 2003 09:05:53 AM

In reply top Best and Worst museum 'experience' posted by JDK on Sat Dec 06, 2003 08:57:40 AM

Best - Morrabbin, Melb Aus. They were closed - saw my sad nose pressed on the door, the guy cleaning up after last night's party (he had a hangover too!) let me and my wife in, opened ALL the hangers and let us wander at will. Top customer service.

Worst - Getting to Quatros Ventos is Madrid, Spain and being chucked out an hour early by a gun toting guard because he wanted to close the lot to have his lunch early. Didn't get to see the He111, Dornier Wal etc and lots of the other 30s and W.W.II metal 'cos I'd wasted my time on the jets (Blast). To be fair, the ladies on the gate had been very helpful to a non Spanish speaker on entry, and it was clearly one guy in need of lunch - but he spoilt it for me!

Worst public service in Air Museums Country = England. The number of times I've been ignored, or treated like an interuption is shocking.

Best = Generally Canada, Aus, Scotland and the US has been impressive.

France, Holland, and my continental experience has been mixed.

Of course this is a big generalisation, but any other views?

BTW. I work in a museum, I've had 13 years in retail, I know what good public service looks like!

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