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I think he's doing himself...........

Posted by Tony on Fri Sep 21, 2001 05:55:25 AM

In reply top Someone wants a Spitfire posted by MickM on Fri Sep 21, 2001 04:00:48 AM

Just did a quick google on this one, and came up with this


If the trend is still the same, then the project that he might get, could well require an in depth restoration, involving wiping bugs off the windscreen, putting fuel in the thing and pressing the starter button.

I had no idea they went for this sort of money!

Tony :0)

: Just found this on the Spitfire Information Worldwide Foru
: m.....must be a very expensive gun....or he doesn't know h
: ow much Spitfires cost......
: Wanted: Spitfire project... must have all parts in good co
: ndition for complete flying restoration...Trade for first
: (Colt 1847 Walker S/N 001)Mint condition....contact peterb
: eee@aol.com

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