WIX Archives

That old ownership issue...again!

Posted by andy saunders on Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:29:06 AM

Interesting news today from the MOD who concede that former USAAF/USAF lost in the UK are apparently NOT the property of the US Govt as the MOD have long claimed. Although the provisions of the PMR Act apply in the UK to US crash sites, the ownership question is outwith MOD or US Govt control and it seems the MOD are likely to accept that position formally in due course and re-issue Notes of Guidance to those involved in recoveries! A small point, but perhaps an important one. So what about those individuals who were arrested by MOD Police (not me!) a couple of years back and charged, inter-alia, with theft of US Govt Property?? Obviously no theft could have taken place since the stuff didnt belong to them, and this has formally been USAF policy since at least early 1995 if not before. Mmmmm.....! Interesting! Andy Saunders.

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