WIX Archives

Arrival Day at Flight Fest

Posted by Mike Henniger on Fri Aug 22, 2003 07:39:02 PM

The day started out cool, and dark and grey. Yuck. As I was standing around waiting for the volunteer coordinators arrive I was chatting with a photographer from a well known magazine. We chatted with each other for about 15 minutes before we realized we both knew each other from WIX! I was talking to Richard Allnut!

It wasn't long before the clouds gave way ot the sun and heat we are more recently familiar with. Soon after the sun arrived there was another arrival, SL721! Now I was there as a volunteer to help set-up, but as everthing was set-up in the days before, I was free to photograph at will from many different angles and close-ups. Great fun! :-)

I was also able to get great shots of the CHAA Harvards and Olivier's FW-149 when he arrived. Almost as soon as Olivier arrived he gave me a tour of the FW, they we made a B-line for the B-25 Panchito. Again many unobstructed photos from all anlges. Aaaaahhhhhhh....

Looking forward to tomorrow. We should be able to get 4 WIX contributors together tomorrow, and look forward to some great displays.



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