WIX Archives

Listing of Soplata's aircraft

Posted by Jim on Fri Aug 15, 2003 04:02:51 PM

In reply top Walter Soplata's yard posted by Musante on Fri Aug 15, 2003 02:55:15 AM

I came across a photo of a listing of the aircraft on Walter's Farm.

Below is that listing, although the photo was a little blurry. Anybody feel free to correct to ids and serials if you know them.

The B-36 is not in that listing, but it's there on the farm.

Bell P-63A-1-BE 42-68895

Goodyear F2G-2 88463/N5577N

Grumman TBM-3N unknown
Grumman TBM-3N unknown

Lockheed T-33A-1-LC 51-8747

Martin B-57 unknown

McDonnell F-2H unknown

North American F-82E-NA 46-265

North American B-25J-25-NC 44-30121/N7947C
North American B-26J unknown

North American F-86E unknown
North American F-86L-55-NA 53-0715
North American F-86L-60-NA 53-0939
North Amercian F-86 unknown

North American P-51K unknown

Republic P-47N unknown

Republic RF-84F-20-RE 52-7262

Vought F4U-1D 82850
Vought F7U-3 129885
Vought FG-1D 88026

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