WIX Archives

Re: Too late, already found the history :-) plus new info.

Posted by Will Fowler on Thu Sep 20, 2001 03:12:56 AM

In reply top PBY wreak on Diego Garcia posted by Will Fowler on Thu Sep 20, 2001 01:39:01 AM

Carried on looking around for Diego Garci information and found more information on the PBY, the history and more pictures are here:


Its also interesting to know that a lot of the US military sites on Diego Garci have shut their doors in the last 24 hours or have been asked to remove pictures that could be used by not so nice people with stupied ideas.

There are also lots of messages that the local watering holes have also shut doors due to increased activity on the island, which I think you guys know what it means.....pay back is a coming!!!!!

Hope you like the pictures, seems too far gone to be of much use, even if you could get on the island.



: Hi Folks,
: Whilst hunting for information on Diego Garcia I found a i
: nteresting picture of a PBY wreak laying in the jungle not
: far from the beach, anyone know any information on this b
: ird and how it came to be there? Tony / Mick, can you lads
: dig anything up?
: Here's the link
: http://www.urban.ne.jp/home/jhagensi/hpage/pby.htm
: Regards,
: Will

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