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Re: Why relist again - Didn't anyone tell them that its not ....

Posted by Dave Robinson on Tue May 13, 2003 07:50:27 AM

In reply top Why relist again - Didn't anyone tell them that its not .... posted by Jagan on Tue May 13, 2003 03:54:41 AM

: : Item # 2173482713
: I am pretty sure a number of people must have contacted th
: em the first time itself and told them that it was NOT a T
: empest Canopy - Why do they insist on relisting again as a
: Tempest Canopy?

I contacted the seller and asked him for confirmation of the type as I was sure it wasn't a Tempest....he admitted that he did not really know what it was. They had originally been told that it was Spitfire and then told it was Tempest. I can't understand why they would try and sell it as a specific type when they could sell it as an unknown......

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