WIX Archives

Cannot connect, just my luck!!!

Posted by Will Fowler on Thu Sep 20, 2001 03:17:47 AM

In reply top Outstanding FW190 site posted by Tony on Wed Sep 19, 2001 06:12:25 AM


Buggered if I can connect to this site, what kind of information was on there, just my luck, a site that could be helpful to my own wee project and I cannot connect, typical!!


: Unfortunately , 2 things......
: 1. In Italian, but survivable
: 2. It's on the worlds slowest server, so u have time to ma
: ke tea, go to the 7-11 for twinkies and beer, visit Russia
: and recover one for yourself, before the blimmin page loa
: ds.
: However, it is that good, i'm thinking of offering him mir
: ror server space.
: Tony :0)
: http://members.nbci.com/_XOOM/fux99/Fw190/libro/Premessa.h
: tml

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