WIX Archives
Re: Mystery aircraft picture-ooooooops
Posted by Tony on Thu Sep 20, 2001 10:18:23 AM
In reply top Re: Mystery aircraft picture-ooooooops posted by Paul McMillan on Wed Sep 19, 2001 05:47:52 AM
QRA shed for an Afghan Hind.....
mmmmmm so what will they intercept the infidel Anglistanis with?
I believe the soviets left a lot of performance kit in Afghanistan, mind u, I think the Taliban have probably executed all their best fighter jocks by now.
Same thing happened in the Iran-Iraq war, Khomeni was busy jailing and executing the cream of the Shahs Air Force, till someone pointed out they were losing the air war.
They were released, and from what an Iranian friend tells me, turned the tide of the air war in 10 days.
What else did the Afghans have in their airforce? would be nice to know, before we and the USAF scrap their airforce in situ. :0)
: Actually it is in Afganistan and the Talban are keeping th
: eir Hawker Hinds covered to avoid being targetted...