WIX Archives
Well, as the name implies......
Posted by Tony on Wed Nov 14, 2001 10:42:59 AM
In reply top Is there a place for aviation archeology on this forum???? posted by Cees Broere on Wed Nov 14, 2001 06:41:46 AM
Hi Cees,
I think, since the name change, Aviation archaeology, definitely has a place in this forum, and talking about "bits" even 10,000 pieces is relevant. My initial excitement over the Stirling,may have been dampened, as I thought you were talking about a complete example. However, that dampened exdcitement, becomes cold resolve in the case of this aircraft. The RAF simply must instigate a programe, to "Bring our boys home."
Aviation archaeology, has over the years, been a source of valuable information, but it has been tarnished, by the acts of certain individuals and organisations. Without going into specifics, I think we all know at least one case that may have happened in the past, that have had most of us thinking "Oh dear, that's just set the cause back 10 years"
I'm not going to rant about the B17 recovery on TimeTeam, but suffice to say, the balance was suitably redressed on the Spitfire recovery in France.
Aviation Archaeologists, are responsible for some of the discoveries of missing aircrew, and they play an important part, and they must remember, that they are the public face of aircraft recovery, and act accordingly.
In conclusion, be it one piece, or 10,000 pieces, they all have an important part to play, in preserving the history of Aviation, which at the end of the day, is the common interest that binds us.
: Hi all
: The topic about what aircraft we would like to recover got
: me thinking. Most of the thread concerns substantial wrec
: ks being hopefully worthy of restoration, and almost nothi
: ng about recovering wrecks from the ground.
: What is the general idea of this forum, is it
: just talking, and looking for substantial wrecks and encou
: raging each other to have them recovered, or is it about w
: arbirds in general including aviation archeology?
: Because that is what we're doing mostly in Holland. Lookin
: g for substantial wrecks is also what we are very interest
: ed in (in fact I have this dream to recover a complete air
: craft someday and the chance to do so is getting closer an
: d closer) but over here we mostly encounter the remains of
: these great aircraft which have hit mother earth at high
: speed, instead of gently ditching on a calm smooth watery
: surface, just waiting to be lifted.
: Is there an interest on this board about complete aircraft
: in 10.000 pieces, or should I just continue about underwa
: terwrecks etc.?
: Just curious as ever
: Cees