WIX Archives

Re: Beware of parts consolidation: My dos centavos on this

Posted by Tulio on Wed Nov 14, 2001 12:03:13 AM

In reply top Beware of parts consolidation posted by john parker on Mon Nov 12, 2001 08:00:12 PM

Some time ago, in another discussion board, a similar issue was brought forward, and one gentleman whose name I can't remember (shame on me) stated something that I found not only to be true, but also very logical, and it went more or less like this:

Not a single airplane that has seen service, has completed its service with the same components it had when it was brand new; wheter due to accidents, repairs, etc. parts from any other number of similar airplanes were swapped and used in order to keep a particular example, airworthy.

The way I understood this guy's statements was: It is not really such a big deal, when if you really think about it, the serial numbers would probably not match if the airplane had a new cowling, a new magneto, a new canopy, etc. since those used to keep it flying came from other machines.

As for the high price of junk? YES, it is high. I was offered a T-33 gun sight for US$550!!! I would like to buy one, but not at those prices. If there is no one willing to pay inflated prices, I guess sellers will have to come down on their prices.



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