WIX Archives
Re: Afghanistan B-24
Posted by MGM on Mon Nov 12, 2001 08:13:03 AM
In reply top Afghanistan B-24 posted by george on Sun Nov 11, 2001 07:59:08 PM
Possible B24 sources according to worldairforces.com.
Red China:-
3# B24.
Nationalist China:-
37# B24J/M ;
3# C87 Liberator Express ;
1+ #PB4Y-2 Privateer.
45# B24J/L/M
3# B24D
7# B24D
4+# B24J/L
The above lists should not really be taken at face value, they could be totally inaccurate as regards B24 type and numbers thereof, North Korea might have had some as well, possibly given by China ?
Yugoslavia's national markings are very similar to the one described, as well as being very similar to those of North Korea.
Who knows who the Afghani B24 may actually have started off being owned by, there are also many civvy owned B24's and C87's that have simply disappeared over the years, and these should be borne in mind as well.
Most of the countries in that region are so secretive, you never know what may turn up. And just because it is not listed in some "expert's" directory, it most certainly DOES NOT mean that it doesn't exist....just gotta keep our collective eyes peeled for the unexpected.
But at least two (?)"nutters" (Tee Hee !) have seen a previously unknown warbird in a programme this time......rather than just one.......
It is possible that it is the mysterious B24 seen flying over Iran by airline pilots a few years back, or even the "airworthy Chairman Miaow's Air Force One" that was supposed to be in China, and being aquired by that Ozzy bloke before someone opened their mouth too wide and the deal went S**t Shaped....or these two could be the same one....who knows?
I wonder when the film was taken, because it may well have been obliterated by one of it's younger and bigger brothers by now.......The B52 ?????
Mick Poirot