WIX Archives
Re: Deleted Responses
Posted by Scott WRG Editor on Tue Sep 18, 2001 06:53:16 AM
In reply top Re: Deleted Responses posted by Micky Finn on Tue Sep 18, 2001 03:26:47 AM
Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I'm a Satellite Technician and I spent most of last week looking at raw footage that no one should ever see, combined with the fact that I'm Boston based led to quite a few expletives being spoken by myself as well.
: Thank you for deleting the thread, I'm sorry I went a bit
: OTT with the language....I was obviously not as "calmed do
: wn" as I thought.........
: cheers
: Mick
: : I just wanted to let you all know that I deleted some po
: st
: : s responding to my statement. While I understand the ang
: er
: : and emotions involved in the responses, I also agree wi
: th
: : the fact that I have no control over the ages of the pe
: op
: : le viewing this site. As a result I have to be a little
: co
: : ntrolling when it comes to message content. Profanity, h
: ow
: : ever justifiable and and regardless of wiether I persona
: ll
: : y agree with it or not cannot be tolerated. To avoid sin
: gl
: : ing out people I have deleted the thread. I don't want p
: eo
: : ple to be offended or annoyed by this, I am trying to se
: rv
: : e the community. Also, this is not a judgement on my par
: t
: : as to the correctness or incorrectness of these statemen
: ts
: : .
: :
: : Hopefully I have made my reasoning clear. If you have an
: y
: : questions or wish to discuss my actions fel free to e-ma
: il
: : me.
: :
: : Thanks for your understanding.
: :
: : Scott