WIX Archives

One for simmers...shameless plug

Posted by JimH on Sun Dec 15, 2002 10:57:57 PM

Ok...I have to admit that I spent many an hour flying flight sims...still do to a point. After flying in real time it is kinda boring... BUT today I found a product that has me awestruck. EDimensional 3D glasses are simply awesome. It is hard to explain the feeling you see...and there is no way to get a screenshot...you just have to witness it for yourself. I have so far flown MSFS2002...MSCS2 - 3 and Janes WWII Fighters The scenery and the dimensional quality is breathtaking. Comp USA had this wonderful little device on sale for $79.95...and I am thinking to myself how much I can save on AvGas!!



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