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Posted by Richard Allnutt on Tue Dec 17, 2002 09:45:35 AM
In reply top Re: US should take over Canuck Land posted by Mike Henniger on Mon Dec 16, 2002 11:39:30 AM
: : The USAFM is pressuring the Canadian to prove what of an
: y
: : historic valua this 17 has to Canadia since they never o
: pe
: : rated 17, and the National Museum charteer states only a
: ir
: : craft that have sinificant history to Canadia can be dis
: pl
: : ayed.
: I would agree that a B-17 has much less historical signifi
: cance to Canada than the U.S. And I would agree that if s
: omeone has the $$$ now to go ahead and carry out a recover
: y then it should be done, rather than let deterioration co
: ntinue. I don't know how having a airframe at the bottom
: of a remote body of water contributes to heritage in anywa
: y. Mind boggling.
: I think however I should point out a few things...
: #1: Canada did operate some B-17s (a limited number) and
: I think it was on the National Aviation Museum's website t
: hat I saw pictures of them. I think they were used in a u
: tility role and not a bomber role. I don't have the time
: right now, but I will try to find those pictures and post
: the link later today.
: #2: I took some training back in the mid 1990's to volunt
: eer as a tour guide for the National Aviation Museum. I d
: idn't live in Ottawa then, and as a result I didn't end-up
: giving tours. However, during the training I pointed out
: Sikorsky H-4 Hover Fly in the storage area, and asked wha
: t significance it had with Canadian Aviation History, i.e.
: I was wondering why it was in the collection. The answer
: was that the scope of the National Aeronautical Collectio
: n was not limited to aircraft of Canadian significance and
: was to include aircraft that made a significant contribut
: ion to aviation history.
: In connection to that second point, if the museum had the
: $$$ I think they would jump at the chance to add B-17 to t
: heir collection. It would be a significant addition and I
: am sure there would be celebations. However I doubt the
: $$$ are there and it all comes down to $$$.
: : Has I stated before us Yanks should just take over Canad
: ia
: : and make it part of the USA, then that would solve all
: so
: : rts of problems.
: Rob, I am sure you are trying to be humourous here, and I
: ever chuckled a bit at this comment. But as a proud Canad
: ian, and one that is thankful to have such a significant n
: ational neighbour, I must point out that this is a sore su
: bject for many Canadians. You have to consider all points
: of view. One nation's problems are another nations cheri
: shed sovereignty.
: BTW... I asked about this a little while ago but didn't ge
: t a response. Does anyone know of any detailed newspaper
: articles regarding this B-17? I wanted to do a some readi
: ng/brief research before writing to the National Aviation
: Museum and giving them my $0.02 worth.
: Regards,
: Mike (in Ottawa)