WIX Archives

Re: do-gooders please be quiet

Posted by Scott WRG Editor on Sun Sep 16, 2001 01:54:01 AM

In reply top do-gooders please be quiet posted by john fawke on Wed Sep 12, 2001 01:15:01 PM

The day after the event, a woman came on the radio trying to justify the attack because of the oppression of the Palestinians, the DJ told her to "Shut the f*** up" and disconnected her. I am a firm believer in freedom of speech but I am so glad he did that and I think if anyone reported him for not bleeping the expletive then that person needs to find a hobby... in another country.


: Having watched so many times the tragedy on TV during the
: night along with my workmates,the loss of so many innocent
: lives,the bravery of many,the list of names too long, it
: did not take long before the do gooders of this world to c
: rawl out of the woodwork with their stupid idiotic comment
: s on how the american goverment should not resort to viole
: nce etc.How many more innocent lives are to be lost before
: these people realise that terroists are not the sort of p
: eople that listen to reason or that they are even half hum
: an.
: The world is scattered with the graves of so many men and
: women who fought for our freedom,so it is up to us to supp
: ort the americans in their time of need as they have done
: so many times in the past with us.

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