WIX Archives

Kenya: Blenhiem Crash Update . 1of 2 possibilties

Posted by Paul McMillan on Fri Sep 06, 2002 05:11:14 AM

The SAAF HQ have been told of a Blenheim wreck being found in Kenya recently and the aircaft has been identified and from the papers found etc (60 yrs later !!!) indicate a SAAF crew of 4.

There is such a crew of 4 "missing death presumed" for the 23.7.42 that are not accounted for. This was A7763 which flew into high ground at Fort Halloran, near Nyeri.

Another possibilty is one of the SAAF's highest ranks killed in WW2 who was a Colonel "Tommy" Ross Theron died in a Blenheim crash from at Nanyuki on 1.6.42 is L8391 of 72 OTU.

We will have to wait Graham Warner's magnum opus on the Blenhiem to be publsihed soon from Ciery for a definate answer which is supposed to contain full history of all aircraft and casualties..



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