WIX Archives

Berlin Airlift Film

Posted by Rich on Wed Aug 21, 2002 06:04:17 PM

just saw this on the flypast forum from 'Roger S'

'A DC-4, in full USAF markings, has left Arizona this weekend for an Atlantic crossing. The aircraft will be temporarily based in England (I was told at Duxford) for film duties, as it will act in a movie on the Berlin Airbridge. How long it will remain in Europe is unknown, as is its arrival date. If everything goes according plan however, an eta this week is well possible'

Does anyone know any more about this? who's aircraft?

I was talking to a woman at RIAT who worked for a film production company who said they were planning a film about Gail Halvorsen 'The Candy Bomber' and they would be getting some aircraft together - I wonder if this is for the same film?. She didnt know where filming would take place but said it would start production next year.

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