WIX Archives

Why Not?

Posted by simon king on Tue Aug 06, 2002 02:27:43 PM

In reply top Why? posted by Joe Scheil on Tue Aug 06, 2002 01:38:00 PM

OK - the Spiteful/Seafang represents a bookend of the line -but then so does the prototype and people have built more than one replica of that............
If an Attacker wing happens to be found in India or Pakistan - why not? - I don't think anybody is saying canibalise an Attacker or rob a Spit 22 or 24 of it's tail to make a Spiteful but if these components can be found - and they are unsuitable for an airworthy restoration then why not if only to show what the ultimate development of the Spitfire line was like.

I for one have always dreamed of seeing a "timeline" of Spitfires - from prototype through to Spiteful and Attacker-just to show the potential realised from the initial design.

Incidently the seat level is significantly raised from that in the Spitfire line - that accounts for the humpy back and was presumably to improve vision over the nose during

There was an article in Air Enthusiast recently about the Spiteful/Seafang line IIRC


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