WIX Archives

Zero floatplane??????

Posted by Stuart on Sat Aug 03, 2002 06:12:09 AM

Sorry for continuing the idle speculation when we have been asked not to but i just can't help myself. Besides, all the suspense is, like Cees said, just a deliberate attempt to whip up a media frenzy and sell more copies of whichever magazine gets the exclusive. Well, it's working so far!

A few people have suggested the 'mystery warbird' may be something Japanese. This reminded me of a story i once read somewhere about a remote IAF base (on an island possibly), which had a derelict Zero floatplane as a Gate Guard.

Could this be the surprise find?
Has anyone else heard of this before and know more of the who, what, why, when ,where, how about it?

All a-quiver with excitement.
It'll be such an anti-climax if this turns out to be just another Spitfire or Hurricane wreck (oooh, controversial!)

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