WIX Archives

Re: B17 in New Foundland

Posted by Jim on Sat Jul 20, 2002 04:47:27 PM

In reply top B17 in New Foundland posted by peter on Sat Jul 20, 2002 11:54:03 AM

Lame excuse. Unless someone is a history buff or an airplane nut (like myself), then why would they travel to Newfoundland to see a crashed airplane?

Here's the new travel and tourism slogan:
"Newfoundland: Come visit all of our junk!"

So, in 150 years or so, they can point to a rusty spot in the snow and talk about what a historic airplane it used to be.

Sorry if I sound crass, but I'm very tired of savable aircraft being allowed to rot (above ground and underwater) for stupid reasons.

: Hello guys.
: I just read a article in the latest Aeroplane Monthly mag
: stating that the Newfoundland govt has stepped in and de
: nied any salvage of the B17 that belly landed on the frzen
: lake near goosebay. Their excuse is that it is a tourist
: attraction type of thing. What a crock! Noone can see it f
: rom the shore anyways.
: Thoughts on this one.....?

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