WIX Archives
Re: Quite clearly lots of people do want to talk about it!
Posted by Ray Crawford on Mon Jun 17, 2002 08:03:45 PM
In reply top Quite clearly lots of people do want to talk about it! posted by Paul Coggan on Mon Jun 17, 2002 03:39:56 PM
Hello All,
Here's my 2 cents worth.
If the aircraft in question is a "clone' of an original, say an FW190, why does that automatically demote the aircraft to the status of replica? That word, to me anyway, places a complex aircraft that cost somebody lots of blood, sweat and tears into the same category as a fiberglass wannabe Shelby Cobra.
As some others have expressed, maybe the real issue is provenance. If it walks and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. Is the aircraft an "original" WW2 bird? What aircraft is short of those that have been mummified in museums around the world, the equivalent of a stuffed bird on a pedestal? I'll leave the burning question of whether or not those are really Galland's cigar ashes in the ashtray of a restored aircraft to the millionaire investors.
All I know is that the flying population of rare and once-extinct birds is on the rise. To me, that's all that really matters.
Keep 'em flying!