WIX Archives

Re: 'Real' or 'Genuine'

Posted by David M Jameson on Sun Jun 16, 2002 06:07:54 PM

In reply top Re: 'Real' or 'Genuine' posted by david J burke on Sun Jun 16, 2002 05:37:19 PM

: David - the question here is of provenance and honesty. I
: actually believe that warbird owners are interested in wha
: t they acquire or indeed rebuild. The addition of 'Twiligh
: t
: Tear' (P-51D) to the TFC collection is a prime example.
: The aircraft is undoubtedly substancially the same
: machine that flew from Duxford in 1944 - she has been dama
: ged over the years and has had new parts incorporated
: but when she flies again in her old scheme (hopefully)she
: is recreating her past.
: The fact that people say why does it matter if it w
: as built in 1944 or 1994 is important. It might not affec
: t
: the way it flies but could the be a better feeling than to
: know that what your flying in was flown by hero's origina
: lly.
: I do not for one minute want to stop, curtail or ev
: en reduce the number of people who create masterpieces fro
: m sheets of aluminium. History is what this amount's to -
: if you are honest and say 'I built this all myself' nobody
: will think any less of it - the reality of this is that f
: lying machines need to be regulated and precise in what th
: ey are - provenace it the easiest way of determining this.

I understand your point, but again, if this is the last word, what is the point of restoration? If an aircraft crashes during the war, isn't found for 50 years, but is found and recovered, who determines the rebuild percentage? Seriously, you want the government to do this! 20 years later, and a 500 page manual of legal verbage, you hire a lawyer to interpet the ambiguities.

If you want original, how much is enough for this? This is my basis for discussion. Everyones answer may be different, but within it all, there is common ground, somewhere, there is. I feel that again, we just have to be honest with ourselves.

Does an aircraft have to remain flying after the war to be original? Is that the final word?

We can all site good examples for our own thoughts, and again, where is the common ground to be had? Maybe none. That would be the greatest shame of all.


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