WIX Archives

Re: Restoration remains......opinions?

Posted by Mick on Thu Apr 29, 2004 08:41:03 PM

In reply top Restoration remains......opinions? posted by Stephen C on Thu Apr 29, 2004 06:56:48 AM

: Hello
: What do you think should happen to the leftover (major) pa
: rts and spares after an airworthy restoration is completed
: ?
: I'm talking more regarding other wrecks (or sections/assem
: blies thereof) that have a researchable ID and were obtain
: ed because they had "some" useable parts in them, but othe
: r than that are of pattern use only. I also mean pieces th
: at are not regarded as enough to be the basis of another p
: roject or suitable for museum display. (or is this also de
: bateable?)
: This is something that I've been thinking a lot about late
: ly, and am interested in what some people think.

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