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do-gooders please be quiet

Posted by john fawke on Wed Sep 12, 2001 01:15:01 PM

Having watched so many times the tragedy on TV during the night along with my workmates,the loss of so many innocent lives,the bravery of many,the list of names too long, it did not take long before the do gooders of this world to crawl out of the woodwork with their stupid idiotic comments on how the american goverment should not resort to violence etc.How many more innocent lives are to be lost before these people realise that terroists are not the sort of people that listen to reason or that they are even half human.
The world is scattered with the graves of so many men and women who fought for our freedom,so it is up to us to support the americans in their time of need as they have done so many times in the past with us.

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